1979 大阪生まれ
嵯峨美術短期大学 卒業
大阪総合デザイン専門学校 卒業
1979 Born in Osaka
Graduated from Saga Art College and Osaka Sogo College of Design
When humans first appeared on earth, I think we were just another life form, no different from all other animals and plants. With the birth of communities, languages and cultures, we eventually created a society of distinction, discrimination, and hostility.
We now live in a society with overflowing information, which pertains not only to our own community, language, or culture, and I feel that the profusion of textual and visual images is greatly affecting the way we distinguish and discriminate others from ourselves.
If the information we receive from our surroundings approached zero, what kind of emotions would arise? In such a moment of null, I contend that the distinction between ‘self’ and ‘other’ would disappear, and you would return to a primitive state of existence.
My artistic work is research to substantiate this hypothesis of utilizing the spatial device of ‘NULL’ to approach zero bias.
桥本Yutaka认为,“当人类诞生时,大家都是单一的生物体,与动植物没有什麽不同。在漫长的历史长河中,我们被文化、 语言和群族分开来后,我们也变成了一个充满歧视和敌意的社会。这对我们辨别和区分自己与他人的方式产生了重大影 响。如果我们从周围环境中接收到的信息和图像化整为零,人们会产生如何的感受呢?在那一刻,将我们与他人区分开 来的差别就会消失。自己与他人之间的区别与歧视也会在那一刻消失,而人类也会在那一刻回归平等和团结的生活。”