2022「ポストkawaii Ⅳ」SUNABAギャラリー(大阪)
2021「ポストkawaii Ⅱ」SUNABAギャラリー(大阪)
Oil painting with thick layer textures, with characters in indistinct and ambiguous boundaries. The work was created through a process of observing an object while applying layers of paint, the traces of which appear on the surface as thick layer textures. The object is recognized while following the brushstrokes and colors with the moving gazes according to the time and the person, and the discrepancy may occurred at that moment as well.
Solo Exhibitions
2022 “Gekoru+” rusu, Tokyo
Group Exhibition
2022 “GEISAI#21” Kaikai Kiki, Tokyo
2022 “Post kawaii IV” SUNABA Gallery, Osaka
2021 “Post kawaii II” SUNABA Gallery, Osaka