2025.03.21 Fri. – 2025.04.02 Wed.
Artist | Nori Okawa、kubomi、Lotta
Hours | 11:00-19:00
Open everyday
150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-26-35
Email | info@yoded.com
Tel | +81 (0)3 6675 9497
この度 YOD TOKYO では、大河紀、kubomi、Lottaによるグループ展『Scenes』を開催いたします。
『buggy Pop-up Store』
2024.12.23 Mon. – 2025.01.22 Wed.
Artist | buggy
Hours | 11:00-19:00
Open everyday
150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-26-35
Email | info@yoded.com
Tel | +81 (0)3 6675 9497
この度YOD TOKYOでは、buggyによる『buggy Pop-up Store』を開催いたします。
既存のイメージに引用し手を加えることで、認知の歪みや自己相似性を見出すことをコンセプト に作品制作を続けるアーティスト buggy。
YOD TOKYOでは、buggyの第二弾アパレルアイテムが登場。POP UP STOREを期間限定でオープ ンします。
厳選したアートワークを落とし込んだスウェットとフーディーをリリースするほか、プリント柄の元となった 原画作品も同時に展示販売するので必見です。さらに、前回のPOP UPで即完売となっていたTシャツ が一部再入荷しております。残りわずかとなっておりますのでお早めにお買い求めください。下記オンラインストアからもご購入可能となっております。
YOD Editions
白石効栽 個展
2025/3/1 Sat. – 3/21 Fri.
Artists | 白石効栽 (Kousai Shiraishi)
Hours | 13:00-19:00
Closed | Sat, Sun *3月1日(土)はオープン *Open on 1st March (Sat.)
Venue | YOD Editions
530-0047 大阪市北区西天満 4-5-2 老松ビル2F
Oimatsu Bldg. 2F, 4-5-2 Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka, JAPAN 530-0047
Email | info@yoded.com
Tel | +81 (0)6 6949 9105
このたびYOD Editionsでは、3月1日(土)より、白石効栽による個展『部屋と幽霊』を開催いたします。
YOD Editions is delighted to present the solo exhibition “The Room and Ghost” by Kousai Shiraishi.
We invite you to take this opportunity to enjoy the exhibition.
【Artist’s Comment】
It’s around midnight by the time I set off for home after finishing my work at the studio. While pedaling my bicycle, I can see the pitch-black Mt. Hiei in the distance, and when I look up, I spot Orion’s Belt, the only constellation I can visually connect with. I think about the Greek myth of Orion slaying the lion and the anime that introduced me to that myth, the black-framed TV I watched it on, and the dimly lit room during the day. It’s as if my consciousness flows from the present life to the past, like stepping off a path and being carried away by the fast current of a dark river.
Born in Korea and spending several decades there, I often flew to my maternal grandparents’ house in Nagano: small houses lined up at the foot of the mountain, with the mountain surrounding the horizon. The lights from various summer night stalls, the snow that covered the low houses in winter. The scenery was different from Korea, and while I was in Japan, I felt as though my body floated, my feet never truly touching the ground. In Hayao Miyazaki’s anime, characters pass through tunnels to enter another world. The feeling of traveling back and forth between Korea and Japan, as well as the sensation of consciousness flowing from the present to the past, felt like passing through a tunnel to another world.
When I outline the shape of a tangible object on the canvas, I can vividly imagine how I want to depict its texture and feel. Then the place and time come after. Memories flow like a chain to form paintings. The images from a fog alternate between me and the canvas, becoming more decorative. Occasionally, I wonder if the essence of my true self, is not in physical form but in memory. These memories seem to stand like a ghost, emitting a faint light in the rectangular room of the canvas.